Greenlandic Foreign Minister visits SPRI
In the Arctic, planting more trees actually makes the world warmer
Congratulations to Professor Rachel Oliver
1 January 2025
We are absolutely delighted to share the exciting news that Rachel Oliver has been awarded an OBE in the New Year Honours List 2025.
Professor Rachel Oliver, is a materials engineer, inventor and commercial spinout founder. A Fellow of Robinson College, she is currently...
Shortlist announced for Sustainable Labs competition
Professor John Pyle speaks with Assistant Professor Jenny Zhang at Chemistry Sustainability 'In Conversation' event, courtesy Chemistry Photography.
Dec 18 2024The shortlist has been announced for the Sustainable Labs Competition, which is seeking innovative ideas on making labs across the university more sustainable.
Honorary Fellowship for Kelly Chibale
Kelly Chibale (centre) with Choonzo Chiyumba and Jeremy Sanders in the department.
Dec 16 2024Alumnus Kelly Chibale has been elected to an Honorary Fellowship at his alma mater, Queens’ College.
One year, many milestones: Progress developing sustainable catalysts
Ruth Webster in the NMR laboratory taken by Nathan Pitt ©University of Cambridge
Jan 15 2025It’s been a year since Dr Ruth Webster and her group came to our department from the University of Bath. Discover Ruth’s mission is to find sustainable catalysts that speed up essential chemical reactions.
A catalyst for a greener future
Leah Webster C@C taken by Michael Webb ©University of Cambridge
Jan 22 2025Dr Leah Webster is developing catalysts for a more sustainable future.
Realising the hidden value of plastics
Erwin Reisner delivering his talk: Capturing Sunlight for a Sustainable Future taken by Michael Webb ©University of Cambridge
Jan 10 2025Recycling plastic waste is difficult and often unprofitable. Reisner group spinout Protonera has the perfect solution.
"In conversation" event highlights climate change research
John Pyle speaks with Jenny Zhang about his research, courtesy Chemistry Photography
Nov 28 2024Chemistry Sustainability held its first "In Conversation" event in November, which featured an intimate conversation between Emeritus Professor John Pyle CBE FRS and Assistant Professor Jenny Zhang.
Molyon (spinout from the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy) have raised $4.6m in funding to commercialise their breakthrough in lithium-sulfur batteries.
27 November 2024
‘Illusion of truth’ surrounds inaccurate tyre pollution figures
Widespread misunderstanding exists about how airborne tyre emissions contribute to air pollution, photo courtesy Siriel Saladin
Nov 25 2024Widespread misunderstandings about the contribution of tyre wear to air pollution have crept into government reports in the UK, EU and US and could wrongly influence critical policy decisions.
Chin receives honorary doctorate
Professor Jason Chin receives his honorary degree in a ceremony at ETH, photo courtesy ETH/Alessandro Della Bella
Nov 14 2024Professor Jason Chin has received an honorary doctorate from ETH Zurich to honour his outstanding achievements in the field of synthetic biology.
Supramolecular Chemistry Award recognises exceptional research
Professor Jonathan Nitschke
Nov 11 2024Professor Jonathan Nitschke has been awarded the 2024 Supramolecular Chemistry Award for his contributions to macrocyclic and supramolecular chemistry.
Herchel Smith Fellowship applications now open
Dr Ben Pilgrim, who now holds a Royal Society URF at the University of Nottingham, was a Herchel Smith scholar in the Nitschke Group.
Nov 11 2024We are inviting applications for a Herchel Smith Research Fellowship in organic or biological chemistry, to start in October 2025.
Tree planting is no climate solution at northern high latitudes
Di Martino Lab receives Bronze LEAF Award for Sustainability
29 October 2024
Congratulations to the Di Martino Lab who had their work officially recognised with a Bronze LEAF Award for sustainability in recognition of exemplary actions undertaken to improve the sustainability practices as part of the laboratory efficiency assessment framework (LEAF)....
PhD student works to enable sustainable energy storage
PhD student James Simon in his lab, courtesy The Faraday Institution.
Oct 23 2024From growing up in South Wales to his current role enabling sustainable energy storage through his work as a PhD researcher on the Faraday Institution Science of Battery Safety (SafeBatt) project, James Simon's journey is a compelling tale.
New MPhil to develop new materials for low-carbon technologies
Image courtesy University of Cambridge
Oct 23 2024This department is part of a new University of Cambridge MPhil Programme which will deliver training related to the development of new materials for the transition to a low-carbon society.
David Watson RIP
David Watson at his retirement party in 2005, courtesy Chemistry photography
Oct 21 2024We are sorry to announce the death of David Watson, who was a member of the department for 47 years.
Philip Leverhulme Prize for Prof. Bartomeu Monserrat
18 October 2024
We are delighted to highlight that Prof Bartomeu Monserrat has been awarded a Philip Leverhulme Prize for his work on computational physics, computational materials science, electronic structure, and energy materials.
Tomeu has proposed a new mathematical formulation to the solution of the...
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